Organism search tutorial

Organism search can be used to search for soybean-nodulating Bradyrhizobium accessions available in BradyBase. Available accessions include all 370 field isolates from University of Delaware Bradyrhizobium Culture Collection (UDBCC) and NCBI accessions for Bradyrhizobium spp. reported as soybean root-nodulating, which includes B. diazoefficiens, B. elkanii, B. japonicum, B. huanghuaihaiense, B. yuanmingense, B. ottawaense and B. liaoningense.


1. Search by organism's name/species
Species: Select one or more available soybean root-nodulating Bradyrhizobium spp.
Isolate/accession name: Select one or more isolates/accessions names from the box. Users can scroll through the box or type in the search box to get the desired accession names. Accessions are grouped according to the species they belong to. In the accessions, characters after the hyphen indicate corresponding species:
"Bd" => "B. diazoefficiens"
"Be" => "B. elkanii"
"Bj" => "B. japonicum"
"Bh" => "B. huanghuaihaiense"
"By" => "B. yuanmingense"
"Bo" => "B. ottawaense"
"Bl" => "B. liaoningense"
Source: Choose between RefSeq (accessions available only in RefSeq), UDBCC (UDBCC accessions) or GenBank (accessions available in GenBank but not included in RefSeq). Select multiple options to get accessions from two or more sources.

2. Search by the level of genome assembly
Organism are assembled to either Complete genome, Chromosomes, Scaffolds, or Contigs or have No Assembly. Choose between one or more from the column.

3. Search by organism's genotypic/phenotypic properties
Serogroup: Search according to serotype of an organism. Some organisms exhibit serological cross-reactions; these are indicated by serotypes separated by hyphens. In case of cross-reactions, additional serogroups list will appear upon selection of serogroup from the list.
FAME: Search according to phenotypic groups identified from FAME (Fatty Acid Methyl Esters) analysis
ITS-RFLP group: Search according to genotypic groups identified from ITS-RFLP (Intenal Transcribed Region - Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism) groups

Customize output to show only desired columns in results field. Columns with blue ticks are shown by default.